You may have noticed, when browsing through my website, that I offer both traditional and “Non Diet” approaches to weight concerns. Wondering what this Non Diet Approach is and if it might be for you? Consider these questions.
Posted on Jul 31, 02:15 PM in Health and Well Being and Weight Concerns. No comments.
You may have noticed, when browsing through my website, that I offer both traditional and “Non Diet” approaches to weight concerns. Wondering what this Non Diet Approach is and if it might be for you? Consider these questions.
Posted on Nov 12, 12:41 PM in General and Health and Well Being. No comments.
This year, the theme for World Diabetes Day, (November 14), is “Diabetes: protect our future”. Considering how many people both worldwide and in the United Kingdom have or are predicted to have Type 2 diabetes over the next decade, working on prevention should be a major health priority. There are 2.9 million people in the UK diagnosed with diabetes, and this could rise to 5 million people by 2025.
The Diabetes UK “state of the nation” report 2012 (England) has it in a nutshell when it says “Diabetes is big, it is growing, it is serious and it is expensive. But, it is fixable. After 10 years of knowing what to do, the time for action is now”.
Posted on Jul 17, 12:31 PM in General. No comments.
I love being a Dietitian. Really I do. I can honestly say I’ve never regretted my career choice or hankered for another in the whole time I’ve been practising. Sure, there have been some good days and bad but I’d always stick to my choice to be a Dietitian.
But is it all a bed of roses? (Pull your socks up if you are thinking of the chocolates now, tut tut). Not always, there are some frustrations that Dietitians encounter most days as in any profession. If I had to list the great things about being a Dietitian, it would be a pretty long list. There are only a few bugbears about living as a Dietitian , thank goodness, and I thought I’d note them down.
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