Do you like to chat about nutrition and health? Interested in joining a closed Facebook group ? I have a friendly little group – the Recharge Nutrition Group and you are welcome to join.
Posted on Sep 24, 09:10 AM in General and Health and Well Being. No comments.
Do you like to chat about nutrition and health? Interested in joining a closed Facebook group ? I have a friendly little group – the Recharge Nutrition Group and you are welcome to join.
Posted on Apr 12, 10:15 PM in General. Comments [1].
Having been a Senior Lecturer in Dietetics for 4 years, and a practicing Dietitian for nearly 20, I have spent quite a lot of time thinking about what makes a good dietitian and what makes a good dietetic consultation. It’s important to think about whether or not we are giving the best service we can and to ensure we are giving the customer what they want and need. In my experience, most dietitians are by nature “helping” people and are concerned that they are doing a good job. But how do we know that we are doing a good job?
What things make up a good dietetic consultation, according to clients.Posted on Oct 6, 10:09 PM No comments.
A Dietitian is an expert in food and nutrition. Dietitians give dietary advice, help promote healthy eating habits and develop specific diets for people.
Our ONLINE private dietitians are experts in food and nutrition. They give dietary advice, help promote healthy eating habits, develop specific diets for people.
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