Content tagged "sugar"

Avoid these “brain drainers” during exam time

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Mar 21, 11:55 AM in and . No comments.

Revision week can be a stressful time and it may be tempting, if you are this way inclined, to treat your teen to sugary snacks, rewards of takeaways and “at the desk” quick meals.

This is not doing your student any favours.

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Foods to avoid and foods to feed your teen's brain for best success at exam time

Sorry honey, it's sugar!

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Mar 4, 03:46 AM in and . Comments [1].

One of my Dietitian friends recently reviewed a “low sugar” cookbook that is currently being marketed by a UK “personality”. It turns out the recipes are pretty much full of sugar, in the form of honey in most cases. At the end of the review article, were many, many comments about honey not being sugar. I often see “low sugar” recipes which use honey as the sweetener and am sorry to say, yes, it’s a sugar.

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No added sugar juice - better for little teeth?

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Feb 19, 05:16 AM in . No comments.

Looking after your children’s health is pretty high on the agenda for most parents.

Lately, I’ve seen and spoken to a lot of parents who are on the hunt for healthier snack and drink options. Trying to reduce sugar is the main aim; for overall health and for the protection of those little teeth.

Have you ever bought a “no added sugar” drink, thinking it is a better option for dental health? Well I’m sorry to say these are just as bad as the sugar laden drinks.

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World Diabetes Day - Myths about Diabetes and Diet

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Nov 13, 09:06 AM in and . Comments [3].

November 14th is World Diabetes Day, and I thought it would be a good idea to blow some of the most popular myths about Type 2 Diabetes and Diet.

Diet is one of the most important features of the management of Diabetes and it has been shown that adhering to dietary recommendations can make an impact on glycaemic, or blood sugar, control. (DCCT, 1993). Diabetes is one of the areas in which Dietitians have some concrete proof that what we advise people to do can make a difference to their health and well being. It’s a great area to work in and is really rewarding for those of us who want to make a difference.

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