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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Oct 10, 02:53 PM
in Main Course and Snacks.
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Yes, chicken nuggets. Much maligned and misunderstood. Home made nuggets aren’t so bad as an occasional treat for kids. Here is a different, “home-made” take on the popular kids’ meal choice. Once again, “home-made” , (real food), means you know exactly what goes into your family’s food. Great as an after school snack with dipping sauces or as a light meal . And they don’t have be served “brown style”, with chips. You could serve them with rice and vegetables or with a salad.
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Oct 9, 12:34 PM
in Weight Concerns and Health and Well Being.
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Ok, you’ve tried the method in “are you really hungry?“ to tell if you are really hungry or not and find that yes, at certain times of the day you are just darned hungry before time! What do you do? If you are trying to cut down, it makes it very difficult to avoid eating over your requirements.
There are a few strategies to ward off hunger between meals. Firstly you need to consider if you are getting enough exercise, water and sleep as these will all have an impact on hunger. In fact, a paper recently published suggested that early morning exercise can reduce hunger cravings during the day. Sleep has a big impact on hunger and satiety hormones.
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Feb 15, 06:00 PM
in Weight Concerns and Health and Well Being.
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Snacks. Are they best avoided or do they help when trying to lose weight?
Some people find snacking useful as they can help take the edge off the appetite between meals, thus preventing overeating at meal times. Others find they are best off avoiding all together as the calories just add up when its difficult to control portions. Whichever way is the best for you is the best method to follow as, ultimately, its the total number of calories consumed in the day that counts.
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Oct 8, 10:45 PM
in Health and Well Being and Weight Concerns.
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So you’ve made the choice. You want to stop smoking… But you’re afraid of weight gain? Ultimately stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. If you experience a small weight gain, you may have to “weigh up” the health risks between the effects of smoking or a small weight gain. A small weight gain may be the least of your worries. Weight gain when considering stopping smoking is, however, as barrier for a lot of people considering the change. So is weight gain inevitable and how can you avoid it?
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