I love being a Dietitian. Really I do. I can honestly say I’ve never regretted my career choice or hankered for another in the whole time I’ve been practising. Sure, there have been some good days and bad but I’d always stick to my choice to be a Dietitian.
But is it all a bed of roses? (Pull your socks up if you are thinking of the chocolates now, tut tut). Not always, there are some frustrations that Dietitians encounter most days as in any profession. If I had to list the great things about being a Dietitian, it would be a pretty long list. There are only a few bugbears about living as a Dietitian , thank goodness, and I thought I’d note them down.
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There are so many nutrition stories in the papers these days. People are interested and this is, of course, great. It can be a little tricky. There is so much and from various sources and a lot of the stories can be conflicting. It’s so confusing for people when the latest miracle food can prevent cancer one day and cause it the next. I can recall so many times when clients have come to my clinics to see me, holding the latest paper with the newest diet or the most recent nutrition claim. I learnt very quickly that I had to keep up with the papers (and the studies around the stories), so I can answer my clients’ questions on whatever the newest craze or claim is. Even glancing through the papers today, I can see at least six nutrition stories in print or online.
The articles look convincing but can we really trust what we read in the papers every time?
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