I’ve been having a look at a few food blogs, Instagram posts, tweets and recipes lately. Okay, yes, all the time if I’m honest. There seems to be a common thread which I’m starting to wonder about. A lot of these meals/recipes/shakes and “potions” seem to often have a “superfood” ingredient.
Mmm, let’s make a maca powder chia protein shake or a “green- powder” bowl with acai berries. Or maybe I could go for some coconut powder mixed with a scoop of protein in a high energy ball.
Content tagged "real-food"
Let's keep it Real people.
Posted on Dec 19, 02:15 AM in General. Comments [1].
Homemade : Pasta Sauce!
Posted on Jan 27, 06:15 PM in Main Course and Vegetarian. No comments.

I haven’t forgotten my home made series !
Most families these days do seem to have a pasta night. Pasta meals go down well in my house. I like making pasta dishes for a few reasons – its quick and easy, relatively easy on the purse, most of the family seem to like it and I can pop lots of vegetables into pasta dishes.
Most people can master their own version of the bolognaise but it’s such a shame to see people reach for the trusty old bottled sauce. Home-made? Well you could argue that a meal made with a bottled sauce isn’t.
Home made- chicken nuggets!
Posted on Oct 10, 02:53 PM in Main Course and Snacks. Comments [1].

Yes, chicken nuggets. Much maligned and misunderstood. Home made nuggets aren’t so bad as an occasional treat for kids. Here is a different, “home-made” take on the popular kids’ meal choice. Once again, “home-made” , (real food), means you know exactly what goes into your family’s food. Great as an after school snack with dipping sauces or as a light meal . And they don’t have be served “brown style”, with chips. You could serve them with rice and vegetables or with a salad.
Home Made - baked beans!
Posted on Sep 14, 11:34 AM in Main Course and Brunch. No comments.

I’ve been reading a lot about the “slow food” and the “real food” movements lately. I find these both really fascinating and the principles are pretty much along the lines of what Dietitians have been saying for years – avoid processed junk!
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