Content tagged "planning"

A quick note from the clinic room

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Jan 22, 10:23 AM in and . No comments.

Every now and then, I see some common themes coming from my clinics.
This week, the main thing I am noticing is that the health of so many people is suffering because they are not taking time for themselves. Many people are working hard, with disrupted schedules and lifestyle and don’t take the time to nourish themselves.

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The Dietitian explains why it's important to take the time to nourish yourself when you have a bust lifestyle.

Surviving the festive season: 2

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Dec 2, 12:41 PM in and . No comments.

It’s all in the planning.
Ok, so I did mention planning in tip 1 but this is all about planning your events. Scout ahead. Make sure you know what foods and drinks will be on offer at each function- this way you will know how best to prepare and plan. It sounds a bit over the top but it does help.

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