Well it’s better late than never as we have already had one whole day of 2014.
Have you decided on any resolutions? Does anyone ever keep these?
Here in the AM Dietetics household, we are’t doing resolutions but we are making a few changes that we know are realistic and will be long lasting.
Content tagged "new-year"
Happy New Year from AM Dietetics
Posted on Jan 1, 10:56 PM in General. No comments.
Happy 2013 to all : make it a healthy start to the new year
Posted on Jan 1, 11:49 AM in General and Health and Well Being. No comments.

Happy 2013 to you all! I’ve always loved New Years Day. I’m not sure why, but it just seems to have an exciting feel to it- like you can start afresh and all things are possible for the year ahead. I guess for a lot of people, this means resolutions. Quite often, resolutions include those around health and diet and making positive changes to lifestyles.
Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year!
Posted on Dec 21, 12:24 PM in General and Seasonal. No comments.

Well it’s the 21st of December today and we all seem to still be here after all! Phew! A relief considering how busy it’s been here. It’s the holiday season, so I’m sorry I’ve been a bit quiet on posting articles. I’ve been working on a few projects and trying to organise the usual Christmas and New Year festivities. I would like, however, to take the time to offer my seasons greetings to all and to wish you and yours safe and happy holidays. Thanks to everyone for your kind comments and participation on the website and for all the queries and support I’ve had this year. Try not to over indulge but, of course, enjoy! I will be posting regularly very soon in the new year…please keep on using the contact form to let me know if there any particular articles you want to see for next year. Oh, and look out for some new developments in 2013….
Seasons Greetings from NorthWest Nutrition
Posted on Dec 28, 10:08 AM in General and Seasonal. Comments [2].

It’s the holiday season, so I’ve been a bit quiet on posting articles. I would like to offer my seasons greetings to all and wish you and yours safe and happy holidays. Try not to over indulge but, of course, enjoy! I will be posting regularly very soon in the new year…please keep on using the contact form to let me know if there are any nutrition questions you would like answers to or if there any particular articles you want to see for next year. Oh, and look out for some new services to be offered in 2012….
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