On sale now, a mini guide to the best and most evidence-based diet that you should follow to manage your PCOS.

Posted on Dec 3, 01:42 PM No comments.
On sale now, a mini guide to the best and most evidence-based diet that you should follow to manage your PCOS.
Posted on Oct 18, 01:02 PM in General and Health and Well Being. No comments.
October is National Cholesterol Month in UK and time to remind ourselves about the disturbing UK coronary heart disease statistics. When it comes to causes of death in UK, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the big hitter. It is simply the biggest single killer in the UK alone. 2015 statistics show that almost 70, 000 deaths each year are due to CHD. Scotland and the North of England, where I live, have the highest rates in the nation.
So what can we do about it?
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