My 11 year old has an exam tomorrow and I am breakfast planning. A good breakfast is vital before any exam.
7 Quick tips for the perfect exam day breakfast:Posted on Sep 22, 10:17 AM in Kids and Young People and Health and Well Being. No comments.
My 11 year old has an exam tomorrow and I am breakfast planning. A good breakfast is vital before any exam.
7 Quick tips for the perfect exam day breakfast:Posted on Jun 11, 02:01 AM in Kids and Young People and Weight Concerns. Comments [1].
Teenagers sleep a lot, right? Well maybe this isn’t such a bad thing, according to a small study on sleep restriction and dietary intake, published this month. In this experiment, forty one teenagers (between 14 and 16) were placed on a three week sleep programme and their diets were monitored. The first week included normal sleep, to stabilize sleeping patterns and the following weeks included restrictions, (6.5 hours vs 10 hrs).
What they found was…..
Posted on Jan 12, 07:12 PM in Soups and Vegetarian. No comments.
Today I was discussing, with a group, which foods are “filling” versus “non-filling” and the food that came up the most in the “filling” list was lentil soup. Lentils are a great source of protein and soluble fibre and also, generally, have a low GI so are bound to make you feel fuller for longer. They are also an excellent source of B vitamins.
This soup is a great pick me up for lunchtime and should keep you going through your day.
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