Are you a calorie counter? Get ready to have your mind blown
Is it worth counting calories? Let's have a look at what calories are, how they are measured and at just how accurate the numbers are on your food packages.Posted on Sep 8, 02:22 PM in Weight Concerns and Health and Well Being. No comments.
Are you a calorie counter? Get ready to have your mind blown
Is it worth counting calories? Let's have a look at what calories are, how they are measured and at just how accurate the numbers are on your food packages.Posted on May 25, 03:48 AM in General. Comments [1].
June is just around the corner. This is pretty exciting for me, as it marks my 20 year anniversary as a Dietitian. Being a Dietitian for the last twenty years has been a super ride. I certainly don’t regret my choice of career one little bit. I really have loved every minute of being a Dietitian.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how much I have learned from the last 20 years and thought I’d share the top 20 things I have learned in the last 20 years as a Dietitian.
Posted on Nov 12, 07:40 PM in Weight Concerns and Health and Well Being. No comments.
You should avoid bread if you are trying to lose weight, right? It’s a seriously big bad guy when it comes to weight loss? Well bread has had a good result in a recent trial testing the effect of bread in a meal on hunger, satiety and amounts of food consumed.
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