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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Mar 19, 11:46 AM
in Health and Well Being and Breakfast.
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We all know that eating more vegetables is beneficial for health and many of us are trying to incorporate more into our mealtimes.
It seems easy to slip some more into lunch and dinner but are you missing out on an entire mealtime opportunity by not adding vegetables to breakfast?
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5 easy ways to include vegetables at breakfast for those looking to boost their vegetable intake and to reach their 5 a day
by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Sep 22, 10:17 AM
in Kids and Young People and Health and Well Being.
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My 11 year old has an exam tomorrow and I am breakfast planning. A good breakfast is vital before any exam.
7 Quick tips for the perfect exam day breakfast:
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Nov 14, 01:36 AM
in Kids and Young People and Snacks.
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Last week, my son’s class had the kind of homework I love.
The kids had to find a healthy recipe and record themselves cooking. I’m pleased to say that my son chose a really simple recipe. (Not the least because we were in the middle of moving house and all of my kitchen was packed up at this stage!)
So what did he choose? A smoothie!.
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Sep 12, 12:31 AM
in Breakfast and Health and Well Being.
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Bircher muesli seems to be all the rage at the moment. Called by a variety of names including “overnight oats”, bircher muesli is the original muesli invented in around 1990. I love it when historical recipes come back in fashion.
In the good old “hospital dietary therapy” tradition, Swiss Doctor Maximilian Bircher-Benner, a pioneer of whole foods therapy, invented muesli for patients in hospital.
The original recipe consisted of rolled oats, (soaked in water overnight), lemon juice, sweetened condensed milk, grated apple and grounds nuts.
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Aug 12, 03:52 PM
in General.
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This month (August), I have been in print and on the radio, commenting on similar themes. It was exciting to be asked to speak on the radio and it was a great experience.
Here’s what Ive been commenting on this month.
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Jul 3, 09:18 AM
in Breakfast and Main Course.
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I’m working on putting some vegetarian meals into my family’s diet and like this one particularly as it can be eaten at breakfast, lunch or dinner. How versatile! This recipe is a bit of a frittata really and includes the goodness of peppers/capsicum, mushrooms and courgettes/zucchini with good old eggs.
And, no, you dont have to be afraid of eggs. The old “3 eggs a week” message I used to trot out when working for the heart foundation many years ago has well and truly been replaced with “eggs are fine” after all the evidence we have gathered on eggs over the years. Eggs are a great source of protein and there is evidence that they help make us feel fuller for the morning when eaten at breakfast. So give this a try, makes a change from the usual..
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