It’s been very quiet on the blogging and article front here because I’ve been packing and organising a move to Australia. So what’s the deal?…
Posted on Mar 29, 03:13 PM in General. Comments [1].
It’s been very quiet on the blogging and article front here because I’ve been packing and organising a move to Australia. So what’s the deal?…
Posted on Jan 25, 05:32 PM in Cakes and Biscuits and Seasonal. Comments [1].
The 26th January is Australia Day so I thought I’d add a traditional damper recipe. Damper is a traditional Aussie bread that was made by stockmen whilst out in remote areas of the Australian bush. It is quite often made on camping trips, on the open fire, and there are lots of different takes on the basic flour, butter and milk recipe. Id say pretty much most Australians would have tried their hand at a damper at some stage.
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