I’ve had to think a long time about what I am going to write about National Obesity Week or, indeed, if I was going to write anything at all.
It’s a confusing time to be a Dietitian.
This is how my day went whilst trying to write this blog.
Posted on Jan 8, 11:31 AM in General and Weight Concerns. Comments [3].
I’ve had to think a long time about what I am going to write about National Obesity Week or, indeed, if I was going to write anything at all.
It’s a confusing time to be a Dietitian.
This is how my day went whilst trying to write this blog.
Posted on Sep 29, 10:31 AM in Health and Well Being and Women's Health. No comments.
Following my blog on the Non Diet Approach, I did promise to write a little blog about each of main features of this approach to weight concerns and to building a healthy relationship with food.
This week, I’ve been concentrating on Intuitive Eating.
Becoming an Intuitive Eater
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