Content tagged "Fibre"
How to Build a Healthy Gut Microbiome
Posted on Jul 26, 10:50 AM No comments.

“Case” Study - How we helped "Sarah" live a better life with IBS
Posted on Jul 8, 11:42 AM in Health and Well Being. Comments [2].

We recently saw “Sarah” (*not her real name), and would love to share how we helped her to reduce her IBS symptoms and improve her life enormously.
Spoiler alert: Her life changed dramatically!
Anne's Autumn Loaf
Posted on Sep 25, 12:59 PM in Snacks. No comments.

Here is my Autumn Loaf – Apple, Carrot and Walnut with a hint of spice.
A spicy seasonal autumn loaf with added goodness from Anne Wright - DietitianThis week in clinic - bad advice
Posted on Feb 12, 12:04 PM in Health and Well Being. No comments.

This week in clinic, I have been shocked to hear some of the old fashioned and non-evidence based dietary information that some of my clients have been getting from their friends and from their local clinics. Some of this is just plain old bad advice.
Correcting the myths around what to eat and what to avoid when you have diverticulitis.Red Lentil Kedgeree (with a twist)
Posted on Dec 1, 12:44 PM in Vegetarian and Main Course. Comments [2].

Here in the AM Dietetics household, we are trying to include more plant based meals on the weekly menu. I really like this kedgeree recipe, which includes lentils. It’s great for any meal of the day but I especially like it as a lunch meal, (I’m not a big fan of sandwiches).
Mexican Bean Soup
Posted on Oct 21, 03:36 PM in Soups and Main Course. No comments.

Dinner tonight? By my son’s request, I am making mexican bean soup. It’s super easy.
Oranges - it's not just all about "C".
Posted on Jan 8, 01:34 PM in Health and Well Being. No comments.
My family seem to have been eating lots of oranges at the moment. They are “at their best” at the moment so we are making the most of them while they are in season. Everyone knows how good oranges are, especially when it comes to Vitamin C. Sure they pack a punch when it comes to the “C” but there is so much more to the orange.
Hunger and satiety part 2 : How to curb that hunger
Posted on Oct 9, 12:34 PM in Weight Concerns and Health and Well Being. No comments.

Ok, you’ve tried the method in “are you really hungry?“ to tell if you are really hungry or not and find that yes, at certain times of the day you are just darned hungry before time! What do you do? If you are trying to cut down, it makes it very difficult to avoid eating over your requirements.
There are a few strategies to ward off hunger between meals. Firstly you need to consider if you are getting enough exercise, water and sleep as these will all have an impact on hunger. In fact, a paper recently published suggested that early morning exercise can reduce hunger cravings during the day. Sleep has a big impact on hunger and satiety hormones.
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