We recently saw “Sarah” (*not her real name), and would love to share how we helped her to reduce her IBS symptoms and improve her life enormously.
Spoiler alert: Her life changed dramatically!
Posted on Jul 8, 11:42 AM in Health and Well Being. Comments [2].
We recently saw “Sarah” (*not her real name), and would love to share how we helped her to reduce her IBS symptoms and improve her life enormously.
Spoiler alert: Her life changed dramatically!
Posted on Apr 14, 07:39 AM No comments.
Our new “express” consultations have launched. Not ready to commit to a full hour’s consultation? After a budget option for visiting a Dietitian? Just looking to get some fast expert advice about your diet or health problem?
Our express consultations could be just the thing you are looking for. BOOK HERE
Posted on Apr 8, 08:54 AM in Food Allergy and Intolerance and Health and Well Being. No comments.
What if the low fodmap diet isn’t working? You’ve been on the elimination phase of the Low FODMAP diet and it doesnt seem to be working. What’s going on?
Posted on Jan 10, 02:25 PM in Health and Well Being. Comments [1].
As a Dietitian, my mission is to help people to eat better. This usually means talking about what foods to eat, how much and when. The truth is, though, eating well isn’t always just about the nutrients, it’s about HOW we eat too. The environment that we eat in and eating together, in company, also has a huge effect on health and well being.
Most of us take eating together for granted but the simple act of sharing a meal is a greater one than we imagine. Food is so much more than just fuel. It’s a fundamental part of our health, relationships, culture and well-being. Eating together is about coming together; about belonging.
Posted on Jul 22, 04:30 AM in General and Health and Well Being. No comments.
I’m ready to get in the car and start up on the AM Dietetics home visiting service. How much more easy could it be than to have the Dietitian come to you?
The AM Dietetics home visiting service includes:
Posted on May 25, 03:48 AM in General. Comments [1].
June is just around the corner. This is pretty exciting for me, as it marks my 20 year anniversary as a Dietitian. Being a Dietitian for the last twenty years has been a super ride. I certainly don’t regret my choice of career one little bit. I really have loved every minute of being a Dietitian.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how much I have learned from the last 20 years and thought I’d share the top 20 things I have learned in the last 20 years as a Dietitian.
Posted on Jul 17, 12:31 PM in General. No comments.
I love being a Dietitian. Really I do. I can honestly say I’ve never regretted my career choice or hankered for another in the whole time I’ve been practising. Sure, there have been some good days and bad but I’d always stick to my choice to be a Dietitian.
But is it all a bed of roses? (Pull your socks up if you are thinking of the chocolates now, tut tut). Not always, there are some frustrations that Dietitians encounter most days as in any profession. If I had to list the great things about being a Dietitian, it would be a pretty long list. There are only a few bugbears about living as a Dietitian , thank goodness, and I thought I’d note them down.
Posted on Jul 2, 06:15 PM in Weight Concerns and Health and Well Being. No comments.
Trying to lose weight and changing dietary and exercise habits can be difficult, especially when you are doing it alone. Sometimes we “know” what we need to do to make changes but it’s just having the right support and motivation at the right time that makes the difference.
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone say to me “I know all this, it’s just doing it that’s hard, if only I could just have someone bring me all my meals” or “do you do meals as well, can’t you just come over and cook all my meals?”
There are a few companies around that do calorie controlled meals and deliver to the door, and some do help people in getting the results they need but as the most efficient method of weight loss, the “just bring me my meals all done” method isn’t necessarily the best.
Posted on Apr 12, 10:15 PM in General. Comments [1].
Having been a Senior Lecturer in Dietetics for 4 years, and a practicing Dietitian for nearly 20, I have spent quite a lot of time thinking about what makes a good dietitian and what makes a good dietetic consultation. It’s important to think about whether or not we are giving the best service we can and to ensure we are giving the customer what they want and need. In my experience, most dietitians are by nature “helping” people and are concerned that they are doing a good job. But how do we know that we are doing a good job?
What things make up a good dietetic consultation, according to clients.Posted on Feb 3, 08:41 AM in General. Comments [2].
Today I was reminded of some of the most important qualities a Dietitian needs to have in order to do his or her job well. The ability to withhold judgment, to value the client and to listen. If a Dietitian doesnt possess these, there is no point carrying on. If a client doesnt feel valued, the relationship fails.
Sadly, the reminder came in the form of me being in the shoes of the client and learning first hand how dreadful it feels to walk away from an interaction with a health professional feeling like I had been judged.
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