One of our family favourites is a really easy recipe, so I thought I’d share. I am usually a little reluctant to share my every day recipes as I don’t often use measures (does anyone?) but I can give it my best shot here.
This chicken ratatouille bake includes eggplant, (or aubergine to some). I honestly wasn’t sure if the boys would enjoy eggplant but they have always eaten the lot when this is dished up. Chickpeas add a bit of oomph and some fibre an extra protein to the dish. You could even just have the ratatouille (chicken-free) as your meal, if you are eating a plant based diet.
It does take a few steps to get this one going but they are all pretty easy. I don’t have very fancy kitchen equipment. you won’t need anything special. You will need a frying pan and an oven dish. I use the same (well-loved) non-stick pan for making the ratatouille and for browning the chicken.
You will have to forgive the photo. I got excited and took it whilst it was still steaming.
Chicken Ratatouille Bake
4 chicken breast pieces (I used chicken thigh fillets last night and it was fine and a little cheaper)
olive oil, around 1 tbsp
1 onion, diced
1 med aubergine, diced
1 courgette, diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed.
400g tin tomatoes (chopped tomatoes)
400g tin chickpeas (I drain and rinse)
1 tbps red wine vinegar
tsp basil
2 tsp chilli flakes (or more if you like)
What to do
Preheat your oven to 180C (gas 4) (Let’s be honest, many of us just pop everything on 200C).
Brown off your chicken pieces in the pan and set aside.
Cook (sauté) the onion in the oil and add courgette, garlic, aubergine/egg plant and cook until they soften. I will admit here that I actually just throw them all in together- it still works out fine.
Add tinned ingredients, vinegar and chilli flakes and let cook through for a while, until you are happy with the flavour. I sometimes add little tomato sauce to boost it.
Put the mixture into your oven dish and lay the chicken pieces on top. (you can kind of submerge the pieces in the ratatouille if you are worried about the chicken being dry).
Cook in oven for around 15 mins until cooked through. The first time I did this, I found I needed a bit more time, especially if the chicken breasts are quite chunky. I now slice mine into smaller, thinner pieces.
When done, serve with crusty bread (for those who like it) and greens.
I hope you like it.