Are you a calorie counter? Get ready to have your mind blown
Is it worth counting calories? Let's have a look at what calories are, how they are measured and at just how accurate the numbers are on your food packages.Posted on Sep 8, 02:22 PM in Weight Concerns and Health and Well Being. No comments.
Are you a calorie counter? Get ready to have your mind blown
Is it worth counting calories? Let's have a look at what calories are, how they are measured and at just how accurate the numbers are on your food packages.Posted on Jan 8, 11:31 AM in General and Weight Concerns. Comments [3].
I’ve had to think a long time about what I am going to write about National Obesity Week or, indeed, if I was going to write anything at all.
It’s a confusing time to be a Dietitian.
This is how my day went whilst trying to write this blog.
Posted on Jun 4, 03:49 PM in Weight Concerns and Health and Well Being. Comments [2].
One of the most challenging and, perhaps, polarising concepts for Dietitians at this time would be the emergence of weight neutral approaches to dietary management. For an outcome focussed profession, trained in the quantitative skills of energy requirement calculations and “diet plans”, the potential change in this focus to a weight neutral approach can be one that is either readily embraced or rejected as a “step too far”. Weight loss currently remains the primary recommendation for health improvement in individuals with high body mass index (BMI) despite limited evidence of long-term success. Weight neutral approaches have now emerged as a result of building evidence that “dieting” with a weight loss goal does not result in significant health improvements, regardless of weight changes. (1,2) and that dieting as a weight loss strategy proves unsuccessful in terms of long term maintenance.
Posted on Feb 8, 01:45 PM in Health and Well Being and Weight Concerns. No comments.
When they coined the phrase, “good things come in small packages”, they definitely must have been thinking about eggs. When it comes to nutritional value, eggs are action-packed with good quality protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy omega -3 fats. Despite this, the health benefits and risks of eating eggs have been debated for many years. The elephant in the room has always been that a single large egg contains around 187mg of cholesterol.
Posted on Dec 2, 12:41 PM in Health and Well Being and Weight Concerns. No comments.
It’s all in the planning.
Ok, so I did mention planning in tip 1 but this is all about planning your events. Scout ahead. Make sure you know what foods and drinks will be on offer at each function- this way you will know how best to prepare and plan. It sounds a bit over the top but it does help.
Do you have any nutrition questions? I'm always interested in hearing them, and I'll do my best to answer.
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