by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Mar 18, 11:38 AM
in Seasonal and Cakes and Biscuits.
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I love to discover new traditional foods. Simnel Cake is a new one to me. It’s a traditional British Easter cake, to celebrate the end of Lent and has been eaten since medieval times. Im obviously a bit slow catching up with this one! I found a lovely recipe to try. Sure, its a cake but a little bit of treat as a celebration now and then is fine. After all, food isnt just about health, its about family, tradition and celebration as well. This recipe serves 12. Happy Easter.
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Dec 17, 10:31 AM
in Soups and Seasonal.
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I was at an antique book fair a few years back and found a lovely old “Good Housekeeping Cookery Compendium” (1957 edition) which I just had to buy. It sits on my recipe book shelf with pride and has some classic recipes which I use all the time.
Ive recently been looking at the soups and found this great Chestnut Soup.The run up to Christmas means there are lots of chestnuts around and in the supermarkets so you could give this recipe a try!
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Dec 15, 01:22 PM
in Main Course and Seasonal.
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Here is a different take on Christmas dinner. Imagine popping the slow cooker on and walking away, only to have a perfect meal ready eight hours later with no slaving in the kitchen on Christmas morning. This recipe has all the flavours of Christmas with cranberry, orange and thyme and duck makes a nice change to the traditional turkey.
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Dec 12, 07:53 PM
in Desserts and Seasonal.
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Christmas preparations taking over here at AM Dietetics headquarters! Speaking of Christmas, I was looking for desserts and puddings using a slow cooker and found this dried fruit compote recipe. This is guaranteed to get the smell of Christmas wafting through your household. I normally don’t really like the smells that fill the house when the slow cooker is on but this one should even get your family Grinch into the spirit of things.
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by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD
Posted on Dec 21, 12:24 PM
in General and Seasonal.
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Well it’s the 21st of December today and we all seem to still be here after all! Phew! A relief considering how busy it’s been here. It’s the holiday season, so I’m sorry I’ve been a bit quiet on posting articles. I’ve been working on a few projects and trying to organise the usual Christmas and New Year festivities. I would like, however, to take the time to offer my seasons greetings to all and to wish you and yours safe and happy holidays. Thanks to everyone for your kind comments and participation on the website and for all the queries and support I’ve had this year. Try not to over indulge but, of course, enjoy! I will be posting regularly very soon in the new year…please keep on using the contact form to let me know if there any particular articles you want to see for next year. Oh, and look out for some new developments in 2013….
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