It’s been very quiet on the blogging and article front here because I’ve been packing and organising a move to Australia.
What’s the plan?
I’m excited to say that my family and I are going to work and play in Brisbane, to experience life down under and to sample all the great food of course! We arrive on April 2nd.
Northwest Nutrition will still be going strong but you may find that you are redirected to my upcoming Australian website when you visit as we I will be changing the name to AM Dietetics. I won’t be able to offer any “in person” clinical services for UK clients but my corporate and consulting services will still be running, in a remote capacity.
I will be offering services to Australian clients very soon!
It will give me so much to write about – exploring the food, new recipes and the healthy Aussie way.
Hope the move goes well and you quickly get settled. We’ve got lots to do with the new site! Get in touch as soon as you get your internet access up and running!