You’ve probably gathered from the picture emblazoned across this website that I like strawberries. I love strawberries and they are at their best here where I am. The wonderful thing about strawberries is that they don’t just taste good, they are now also being called a “super food” because they are just so good for you too! Here are just a few of the benefits of the strawberry.
Benefits of strawberries:
- Great for weight watchers as they are low calorie (a good cup of halved strawberries has less than 50 calories).
- For those counting the carbs, they are low in carbohydrate (the same amount has about 12 g carbohydrate).
- They are full of Vitamin C. 8 strawberries has more vitamin C than an orange does.
- Strawberries are low in fat, cholesterol and sodium.
- They are a great source of folate, dietary fibre, manganese and potassium.
- Strawberries contain a great combination of phytonutrients. These include substances such as: flavenols, terpenoids, phenolic acids, ellagtiannins and acthocyanins. These all have roles in cancer protection, diabetes prevention and blood sugar control and cardiovascular protection.
- They also have an anti-inflammatory role due to the brilliant “super” nutrient profile in the humble strawberry. It’s been shown that having strawberries 3-4 times a week gives the best anti-inflammatory dose.
Make the most of strawberries while they are at their best. I like mine “au naturelle” or sometimes with some low fat fromage fraiche. How do you like your strawberries?