My 11 year old has an exam tomorrow and I am breakfast planning. A good breakfast is vital before any exam.
7 Quick tips for the perfect exam day breakfast:
- Do eat! Don’t skip this one. People who eat breakfast do perform better in exams. If you are feeling too nervous, try a glass of milk or a smoothie.
- Give yourself enough time. Make your pre-exam breakfast a slow and relaxing one.
- Go for a mix of protein and carbs – carbs to feed the brain and protein to keep you full for longer. No-one wants to feel hungry during an exam.
- Make your carbs wholegrains. Low GI wholegrains will give you a more sustained energy release to the brain during your exam.
- Add some healthy fats – foods high in omega 3 fat are super for brain function. Sources include: salmon, sardines, mackerel or walnuts.
- Avoid brain drainers – white bread, pastry, sugary cereal, biscuits, sugary muffins, sweets and sugary drinks.
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Dehydration kills concentration. (Water, milk or freshly squeezed juice your best choices – avoid sugary and fizzy drinks).
Some really simple examples:
- Porridge with added fruit and nuts
- Scrambled Egg, beans, cheesy omelette and/or salmon on wholegrain toast
- Boiled egg and soldiers
- “Fancy” yoghurt – Fruit and greek yoghurt with added seeds or nuts
- Fruit smoothie (milk, fruits such as blueberries and with added oats)
- Wholewheat pancakes with grilled bacon and avocado or with greek yoghurt and berries
If you are in the same boat as us…Good Luck for that exam!
image courtesy of OZphotography and Freedigitalphotos.net