Well it’s better late than never as we have already had one whole day of 2014.
Have you decided on any resolutions? Does anyone ever keep these?
Here in the AM Dietetics household, we are’t doing resolutions but we are making a few changes that we know are realistic and will be long lasting.
Did you know that when you see a Dietitian, they aren’t likely to turn your entire world around so you won’t be able to manage your diet and life with your family and lifestyle? No way, we are about sustainable change. Dietitians will usually suggest a maximum of three changes you can make , as a start. Three small changes can make a HUGE impact. In fact, one change can also be enough.
It could be as simple as :
- eat breakfast every day
- have at least one piece of fruit a day
- try using more vegetables in your every day recipes
- meatless monday
- try meal planning
- have the kids “in charge” of one meal a week
- reducing portions just a touch, (we are using smaller plates this year)
So think about it, what is one change that you and your family can implement that will make a huge impact on your year to come? I’d love to hear them.
Happy New Year :)