Exciting news from AM Dietetics - our home visiting service has started!

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Jul 22, 04:30 AM in and . No comments.

I’m ready to get in the car and start up on the AM Dietetics home visiting service. How much more easy could it be than to have the Dietitian come to you?

The AM Dietetics home visiting service includes:

  • visits in the Wirral/Cheshire area
  • one hour new consultations with plan included
  • the safety and comfort of your own home
  • no driving, finding a location or parking for you
  • tailored consultations – where better than where you live or work?
  • a chance to talk food and nutrition close to, (or in), the kitchen- after a rehaul?

Have a look at how to make healthy happen for more details about what I can help you with.

Tags: Apd, Consultations, Dietitian, Health, Home Visits, Mobile Dietitian, Pantry Rehaul, Well Being

About the author

Anne Myers-Wright

Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Anne is a Health Professions Council (HPC) registered dietitian (RD), an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD- Australia), a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), a member of the British Dietetic Association, The Nutrition Society and of The Dietetics Association of Australia.


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